This feed is a general hub for artists and enthusiast, showcasing a wide range of creative work across BlueSky—from paintings and digital art to photography, sculpture, and animation.
It’s a space for artists of all styles to share their work, connect, and engage with the creative community.
This feed is best for finding new artists to follow on BlueSky.
This feed collects posts using various art-related tags and phrases, serving as a catch-all for artists on the platform.
To be included, simply use #art or any accepted tags in your post.
It also features media from accounts followed by, highlighting artists with dedicated art profiles.
Posts are a combination of new posts and ranked posts from the past 12 hours.
Ranking uses multipliers set to likes, reposts, and replies to to determine engagement, with a high decay multiplier (posts will shuffle more often than trending feeds).
Support the feed by giving it a like.
Based on the most recent 900 posts
Artists in this list are determined by the number of posts.
Based on the most recent 900 posts
Tags shown here may not reflect accepted tags for this feed
artists for your skyline is not affiliated with BlueSky PBLLC
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